Amidst all the wonders to be found in Latin America, Mexico City is one of the most prominent cultural and artistic centres one can visit. Its streets are laden with artists’ and artisans’ workshops alike, carefully set-up galleries to be found in many a corner and a wondrous amount of street art flourishing in almost every avenue. Amidst the inherent chaos of a great city, the art scene in Mexico City is ever changing and ridden with uncertainty in most of its sectors, where it is often limited in terms of financial aid.
Founded by Nadezhda Zinovskaya, an art expert from Yakutia, Russia, Ayarkut is a project that aims to find and impulse the development of young artists and curators via advisory and financial assistance. They make special emphasis in providing equal opportunities to those artists that may lack the resources to secure their education or have access to quality materials for their work. In the words of its founder, “Ayarkut is like a family to me: we strive towards seeing the world with new eyes, have new ideas, and help one another grow along the way”.
The project, which is opening its doors in Mexico City this autumn, has a simple motto: listen, discuss, innovate and develop. As soon as they are settled in town, they are hoping to help form great artistic names both within and outside the city. A new horizon stretches for the Mexican art scene: Ayarkut, with eyes set on the future, promises to lend a hand in making new realities possible.

Photos: courtesy.

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